Antonio soriano


Summer 2018

I was originally introduced to Trip of a Lifetime thanks to my counselor who believed I
was a great candidate for the opportunity given. At first it seemed to good to be true and was
hesitant about putting my time and effort into applying. But that feeling and thought of having a
possibility of traveling somewhere around the the world motivated me to apply though. After
getting accepted it didn’t hit me until the day before my trip when I was packing last minute. It
hit me when at the airport surrounded by people who I would soon build really good friendships
that would carry on after my trip. It seemed unreal that and took me back to when I was first
applying and not thinking I would actually be in the position where I would be boarding an
airplane to travel to a different country.

First couple days were packed with activities that made it seem I was in Costa Rica for
ages and exhausted me. Costa Rica is such a unique place that doesn’t get the recognition it
should for everything it has to offer. From the views, the landscape, the culture, food and the
people itself. Everything about Costa Rica was beautiful. Definitely the landscape and geography
itself is incredible. Who would've known that a small country like Costa Rica could have
volcanoes, rainforests, beautiful beaches and many more. The most memorable thing about the
trip itself is me being able to conquer my fear of heights which I have had since I was little. In all
honestly it was pretty bad to the point where I wouldn’t even dare go on any type of roller

During the trip we did two ziplining activities which were extremely high and long. This
really pushed me outside my comfort zone and felt good for some reason. 

Definitely not at the moment because I was scared for my life. I was so scared and hesitant that I made my group wait
around an hour after they finished the whole zip lining experience. The second time it I still felt
those nerves but I wasn’t and scared and hesitant as the first time. This was the first time I had
sort of felt comfortable with heights which I couldn’t believe. It took me a while to take in but I
finally processed that I had just conquered my fear of heights which is a huge deal for me.
Obviously I’m still scared and have that weird feeling but it’s not the same as before. Not only
that but am how I was able to make so many new friends that I still keep in contact till this day.
We’ve kept in contact with them that I went to a concert with them a few weeks after that also
happened to be my first concert ever. Creating all these memorable experiences I will cherish for

This being said, I now understand the true meaning of being outside your comfort zone
and always trying and pushing yourself. I am extremely thankful for this opportunity that was
given to me and allowing me to feel and experience something I had never experienced before.
Moving forward I would definitely like to take this experience and encourage others to do the
same and once in a while step out of their comfort zone. You would be surprised with how much
one can do or accomplish if they are pushed outside this comfort zone that we all place ourselves
into. Not only am I going to encourage other to get outside their comfort zone but I myself am
also going to take this and use it moving forward. This trip has truly been a trip of a lifetime I
will truly not forget and always be grateful for.