

Where might you travel to?

From community service to international destinations, Trip of a Lifetime has it all. Read on to learn more about some of our most popular trip options!

Project California: In this program, students will stay on a college campus and complete a community service project during the day. At night and on the weekend, the group will travel together around California. Places you might visit include Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Disneyland 

Project Costa Rica: In this program, students will visit Costa Rica and complete a community service project during the day. At night and on the weekend, the group will travel together around the country, taking in its beautiful natural surroundings. Activities might include Surfing in Guanacaste and participating in a Zip-Line Tour

“Traditional” Teen Tour: During this program, students will travel to the West Coast and stay in hotels, college dorms, or luxury camping facilities. Places you might visit include the Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge, and Lake Tahoe.

Tour and Service: During this program, students will spend half their time traveling across the West Coast and the other half completing a community service project with their group.  Places you might visit include Mount Rushmore, San Diego, and The Red Rock Mountains

Please Note: All trips are run and operated by Rein Teen Tours, our partner organization, and availability is subject to change. Students are placed on trips AFTER they are selected into the program.

 For more information about Rein Teen Tours, please visit